Finished my e-course.

What an awesome e-course. I will certainly be taking more courses offered by Kelly Rae Roberts in the future. She is absolutely one of my favorite artists, and any advice she can give me about business and art I will gladly pay good money for. Kelly Rae has cornered the market in her style of art and has made being a successful artist look so easy. So when the opportunity arose to take a course about just that, I jumped at the opportunity. Now the 5 week class has come to an end and I have a few thoughts about how the class went.
A few of the things I really liked:
- The class and format was easy and informal. It was simple to log in whenever I needed without the need to be present at a certain time and day. I have a new baby at home so time management is a huge factor for me. The format was easy to navigate and I could easily read the day’s lesson on my iPhone while I fed the baby.
- It was easy to interact with fellow fliers and definitely saw some bonding and groupings going on. I even joined a Facebook group created by a classmate and It seems to have blossomed into a great group of fellow artists. Yay for networking!
- Speaking of networking, Kelly Rae really encouraged our networking and I got a lot of traffic to my site because of this.
- Anything I needed to know about running a creative business was at my finger tips. There were so many links and resources listed all in one place.
- Kelly Rae was diligent and dedicated to her students. The main way of communicating was trough the comment system and she read every one and responded and adapted when necessary.
- The information and course work was extremely thorough and definitely invaluable. That alone made it totally worth every penny. She set a standard for the course and she maintained it.
There were, however a few things I didn’t like and out of fairness should list them as well. They, of course, are my own opinion so take them with a grain of salt:
- Because the comment section was pretty much the only way of communicating, it was almost impossible to navigate through the hundreds of comments and still know what was going on sometimes. I found myself just picking comments at random and responding to them just to get my voice heard (and hopefully my link clicked on). I have ADD issues and found it a little overwhelming some days. Maybe forum discussions and a virtual classroom of some sort could be utilized to better organize this (IMHO).
- I understand that because of language barriers there wasn’t video instruction, but it really would have been helpful. There was a TON of content to read through and I really didn’t have a whole lot of time to spare some nights. Also, I missed the occasional class and catching up was difficult. A video here and there would have saved me a little eye strain :-).
That being said, for her first e-course it was pretty spankin’ good. With a few tweaks here and there, her future ones should be freakin’ fantastic. I would definitely take this again. Lastly, I opted not to purchase the added-on, for an additional cost, PDF copy of the class. I saved a PDF copy myself. I liked that this was an “at my discretion” sort of thing and not a required purchase.
p.s. have you checked out the shop today?
Peace and Love my friends.