This a post where i will not whine about the heat (still above 100 btw), will not whine about the dirtyness of the house (cuz it is still dirty) or lament on how behind I am in my painting and blogging (yup…still behind)…. Nope, I will not whine period….OK maybe just a little…. I am so behind, it is hot and the house is dirty! Whew! I feel better!
So if you read my previous posts you could obviously tell I was due for a break of some kind. And a few breaks I was provided! It ended up being a fabulous week. Supper BFS took me out for wonderful evening that included a delicious dinner at our favorite Mexican place, The Jalapeno Tree. And his mom came by a few days ago to watch the tiny one while I took the bigger one back to school shopping. Parker and I thoroughly enjoyed our day out together, and were definitely way over-due for some one-on-one time. I realized the benefit to having boys is that shopping was relatively quick and easy. He was totally OK with Target brand everything and Nike tennis shoes, so we only had to go to two places! Score!! We rewarded ourselves for shopping well done with a delicious lunch at Rock Fish (nom nom!). I love eating out with Parkers because he is all about getting the dessert. It doesn’t matter how stuffed he pretends to be, he will always leave room for dessert and ask for two spoons. Love that about him :-). We returned to a happy baby safe in the arms of his Farmor. It was a day well spent without breaking the bank.
On a related note, school is about to start back up and I couldn’t be happier. Having a mopey, bored teenager hanging around is nerve wracking to say the least. It has been too hot for the kiddos to even go swimming and run around much and it’s driving me crazy. At least, they have been going to summer band, and practice has been in the evening when it has cooled to a chilly 95ish degrees.
On the arty art front, I did get actual work done over the weekend. I covered my super long dining table with layers of protective coverings and lined up the pieces I was working on assembly line style. Then proceeded to knock ’em down one by one. I finished several painting including this one:

This is Bone Trees. A 16 x 20 mixed media original on canvas. I was really pleased on how this piece turned out. I have always been fascinated with the mystery and wisdom of trees. They are a symbol for so many things: life, family, maturity, strength, vitality,healing, etc…. I left the trees white to show purity and hope that they convey a sense of protection over what lies underneath. It is available for purchase here.

This is The Night Song (also 16×20) and it went to a local charity auction to benefit student scholarships. I felt honored to be included in the auction and for such a worthy cause. This painting, I feel speaks to those who sometimes feel trapped but knows that there is always someone out there who believes you will shine brightly.
There are a few other pieces that I have yet to post or are still in the works. I’ll get right on that… probably…maybe….soon…ish. In the mean time, find hope and inspiration in the most unlikely of places and always love one another.
Happy day everyone.