Still Dreaming

Random thoughts from Wenderflonia

There isn’t much time in the day to do much else.  We are getting there slowly but surely, and although it feels like time stands still, we are marching forward.  I believe that is loads better than waiting.


I am at a point where I am just enjoying the time watching my littlest grow and trying to keep up with the teenager.  Life in our house is moving faster than I can keep up and I don’t want to miss it.


A new realization hit me.  We are undeniably aging.  I am getting into a habit of listing all my aches and pains….. Who does that?  OLD PEOPLE!  ohhhh no……


I have learned this month that patience is not one of my virtues and the older we get the more complicated things become.  For no reason!


It always baffled me that people tend to describe me as a laid back and easy going person.  How is this possible?  I am 90% of the time wound up, anxious, obsessive and very much not in a relaxed state.  I can best be described as randomly neurotic.


My kids are adorable!


Randomly and neurotically yours,










Too busy to stop….

We sure have been awfully busy lately, Not sure with what exactly but I know I’ve been doing something.  I have to be doing something to be this exhausted.  Actually, I haven’t been feeling well at all and am constantly achey.  I am afraid I might be experiencing early onset of arthritis and am totally frustrated with the effect it has on my desire to get back in shape or even to get out of bed some mornings.   Ah well, gotta keep on keepin’ on.   I just hope all my friends and family remain patient with me and my bemoaning.  My motivation is really low right now.  Hopefully, there will be tons of fun and exciting news coming up (potentially a new studio space, maybe ((please God)) a vacation and a new business venture… bla bla bla:-))


Snap crackle and popping






A not positive or helpful stream of conscious post


This blog post is not going to be very useful or helpful or enlightening or positive or even coherent.  In fact, it will probably mostly definitely be just flat out whiny, poorly constructed sentences.  I don’t care, I am tired, I am hot and my hips and back hurt really bad.  I am supposed to be doing all these inspiring and great things, but instead I wait until someone needs something from me and this morning I chose ramen noodles for breakfast.  I feel drained of style and spark that is so determinedly me.  Nothing fits in my closet.  That is my own fault (see above for breakfast choice). This summer has been too hot, and I have been too needed to even remember when I bathed last.   I don’t feel like making myself look pretty.

I have always been the type of person who put others way before myself, I am good at it.  I have kids and I am a stay at home gal while my man works his ass off to provide a very lovely lifestyle, it is my job.  Don’t misunderstand, I love being the lady who runs the house.  I don’t mind at all.  I love it in fact.  Have I mentioned that I am very good at my job?…mostly …except when I go on a cleaning and cooking strike.  It is just that I’ve noticed it is mostly those who put 100% into their job who need a vacation the most or they burn out.  This summer I hit burn out.  Maybe too much mind numbing heat and not enough (any) real time for JUST me and I = zombie.  I need a break quite honestly.  I need a break so I can work my ass off in peace.   I want to work hard on something and not pay a consequence on it… Like when I over did it in the garden the other day because I knew I only had so much time to get it done.  My poor out of shape body still hurts.  I don’t want a vacation.  I wan’t time to do more,  I want motivation to do more,  I want my body to cooperate and not hurt when I do more.  Mostly, I want the heat to go away and for it to rain.


Thank you for listening to my whiny rant.  At least I had the time to get this done before superJude woke.  it is very important that we have schnuggle and cartoon watching time in the morning.


dedicatedly yours,











A trip back home

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.  ~Frederick Douglass, escaped slave

Visited back home the other day and this sign caught my eye.  I used to drive by this sign every day.  As I drive by  and stopped to take a picture I had a realization.  I see the deterioration this sign has gone through over the years, the church has long gone and deteriorated as many country churches do.  It made me sad yet I realized that if we don’t maintain these places ourself then they will fall apart, that He wants us to actually do the hard work.

Peace and Love,


Procrastination and avoidance I wage war on thee


Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.

                             ~William James

So many things to do and keep track of.  I have got to get a better system of some kind.  I really wish I was secretly one of those super organized people I have such a hard time getting along with but alas I am exactly the opposite.  Mad geniuses are usually bad spellerers and chronically disorganized, right?   (Of course Wendy!  You are fabulourus in your spellering and disorgizations)




So, what is the key to stop avoiding all the things I avoid?  Why do I keep putting off the things I put off?  These are precisely the things I plan to soul search in depth tomorrow.


Yours with lack of willpower,




Studio Sunday

In The Studio


Despite the excruciating heat and laziness brought on by summer, I have managed a little time in the studio.  Painting will always be my first love but recently I’ve been toying with the idea of “mixed media’ing up” a piece of furniture.  As coincidence would have it, I found this beauty in my neighbors trash pile!  (Oh yes! Wenders went dumpster diving.)

Atop this old school microwave stand is some of the “media” I uesd to create this:

I am still debating on whether I wanted to sell this piece or not.  It is being put to good use as a bedside table for the time being.  Which is making me lean toward keeping it and making more more more!

p.s. If my neighbor just happens to be reading this, I really did knock on your door to ask if I could.  You didn’t answer so…well, you know the rest.


Other fabulous projects going on in the studio are all about photography.  Which is leading to many exciting adventures!  I LOVE capturing the happiest times and events in peoples lives.  I also LOVE LOVE getting paid for it too. Therefore, I occasionally take photographer gigs.  Now that Jude is getting older, is weaned and can be away from mommy for more than 5 seconds, I am hoping to take more. Currently, all proceeds are being filtered into the purchasing of more kick ass cameras and  camera equipment fund.  Please help an addict out and give me a shout for your next wedding, birthday, or exciting event!

Where to find the photographer of awesomeness…

The amazing Wenderflonia team (ok, my awesome Simon) is creating a separate website to exclusively feature my photography, sevices and prints. will be more about the blog and life as an artist in general with links to all the places to find me.  I am really excited about this venture and the branching of my Wenderflonia Empire….muahahahaha.

There are other aspects of photography that I am itching for more time to explore as well.  The Idea of incorporating photos and mixed media art has been someting I have experimented with lately.  Time and inspiration willing I hope to do more.

This is the latest of this type of work:  here and here


Love you, mean it,



Sorry about the Blogcation…




It has been a while since I had to write the “I hang my head in shame for being such a bad blogger” post.  Jeez, has it really been since Easter!?  I suppose It has.  So here I sit, hanging head in shame, admitting I am a bad blogger.  Here is my defense in bullet formation.

  • It has been one crazy busy summer.  We have gallivanted all over the state doing tons of fun and exciting things.  Ok, ok fun things I could have easily blogged about and posted amazing pictures… fine.
  • It has been horrifically hot.  I think it might be breaking a serious law or commandment for even saying this but, I HATE TEXAS!  I am sooo sick of 110 degree ovenlike heat.  We actually were the lucky ones here in North Texas and got most of the rain in the early part of the summer, but now it is ridiculously hot and it does things to my motivation…bad things!
  • The tiny one turns me into a pile of brain numbing mush by the end of the day.  Most days I refuse to get out of bed until the 16 month-old forces me to (or I smell coffee).  Then it is go, go, go entertainment all day.  At the end of the day when there is finally a moment for myself, I am barely fit for human conversation.  Love that little guy but he is wearing me out these days.  I was due for a break of some kind so I took it out on my blog.

And the most important reason why I have been a bad  blogger  is….

  • I am, is, are, was, were lazy.  That is all. Nuff said.
There you have it.  I will vow to be a better blogger.
So what have we been doing?
Parker graduated the Eight Grade and will be in High School!
We also went to the zoo a few times, took a family vacation to South Padre Island, had a great 4th of July with family, I went on a road trip with my mom and aunts, went to Scarborough Fair….and much much more.  here are a few more images of the summer so far.
And that my friends is our summer very briefly in pictures…. well some of it anyway.  There have been plenty of other stuff like diapers, fits, dirty dishes, backyard mayhem, work, and work avoidance etc.  I will be more vigilant in updating regularly again.  Especially because there are many exciting things happening in the studio!  I will save that for the next post, but until then check this out:
Glad to be back!

In the Studio


Everything can be taken from a man or a woman but one thing: the last of human freedoms to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.
Viktor E. Frankl


Oh, how I have been feeling this quote lately!  As I struggle towards my own feelings toward life, and it’s constant challenges I tend to get frustrated with the general populations’ consensus to be happy in misery.  It is hard to fight this machine but I will endeavor to march to the beat of my own drum.


So what has been going on in the studio?

I’ve been quite busy finishing up a commissioned pieces and editing photos, but mostly I want to be outside playing in the dirt.  I did get some exciting news recently.  I heard from an old friend who wants me to be the photographer at his wedding.  I am both thrilled and terrified.  And that is the gist of what is going on in the studio.  It is all very exciting to me and I am sure that when I am not too tired I will ramble on and on as usual.


With Love,
