Center and Balance for a New Year

Wow is it already January!?  Christmas came and went in a blink of an eye.  We had a really good holiday visiting with all of our families.  We did tons of traveling, which was exhausting and hard.  Especially since we had to coordinate vehicles, dogs, and children.  Also on the menu for our holiday fun was a nasty cold that was/is being passed back and forth.  I’m still recovering and I must say it hit hard.  I am snotty, coughy, exhausted but I’m getting better everyday….mostly.  I also really wish I’d blogged more during the time away but it was just that….time away.  Sick or not, it was still good to spend time away from the computer.  I took lots of great pics over the holidays and look forward to sharing in future posts.

Now I am ready to move on from the holiday fun and get back to center.  I always make resolutions but I try not to share.  Nobody wants to hear how I vow to loose XX pounds or will be more dedicated to <thing I need to be more dedicated to>.  Instead I’ll be more vague and say that this is my year to find my balance and focus.  First thing on that agenda is to get out of this brain fog.  My mind is so muddled and I am having such a hard time concentrating and staying on task.  I really feel I am just having a hard time getting over this cold, so hopefully that won’t  be much longer.  Until then I will try to post more cryptic blogs with pretty pictures.

in Love and Confoundment
