On Creativity-Ken Robinson is the Man!

I am somewhat obsessed with TED Talks.  I loved them before, but now that I found a TED iPhone app and I am Obsessed with a capital O.  Ken Robinson gave a wonderful talk on our educational system killing creativity.  It’s not a new one, but I have watched it several times and each time I am inspired to keep art and creative purpose in my children’s life.  My oldest is 13 this summer and hasn’t had an art class in school since kindergarten.  They had art “time” a few times a week in early elementary but that was all. Parker has always been a free thinking, out side of the box kind of kid, but unfortunately this kind of thinking doesn’t comply with the answers on a standardized test.  I am deeply saddened by this and an thoroughly disappointed in this substandard.  My youngest is only 4months old, and already I am questioning whether a public school education will provide the type of learning I want him to have.  At this point, I am inclined to think not.  What a world we will live in when creative thinking is not allowed.  I shiver with fear.


Oh ma Gosh wow, I’m in Business now!

I am brave…I am brave….I am brave…I am…..Dang! I may not be!  Going forth and being a real <insert real life dream occupation here> is scary business!  I still feel on the cusp of something.  I wonder when I will not feel that way?  I am taking more and more steps to actualize my creative business…i.e. Wenderz the Art Lady makes money at being an art lady.  Soooooo step #something was to create real business cards to attest to the fact.  That makes it official right?  The way I see it, a business card that says you are <insert what it says you are>, then you must be that.

Super awesome BFS designed the best cards ever and I can’t wait to receive them from the printer and start handing them to every one and their dog (because even dogs need art and I don’t discriminate).Here is a sneak preview!  I don’t even want to tell you how cool the back of the card is going to be.  Let me know what you think.

Do you ever have the feeling you are just moving things from one table to the other, one pile to the next,then back again?  This is what I am doing… literally and figuratively.  I’ve just about given up on lists as a way to organize and prioritize.  This is so saddening to me as I really love making lists.  The problem with lists is that once I have written down what I need to do, my mind is satisfied.  I can even trick myself into thinking whatever task was written on the list is now properly organized and squared away without even doing it.  What is wrong with me! It should never be THAT easy to trick oneself, but alas it can be done!  Is there anyone else who is like this?  What do you do to get things done?  Mind that I am also a SAHM to a 4 month old so most of my brain is not functioning properly at the moment!

That being said….lets make a list….(never said I didn’t have issues!)……SO…. some things I am really needing to get squared away in Wenderflonia land are:

  • Absolutely, I think getting around to making a business plan would be a good idea.  This is mainly to help me with goals I am needing to hit.  Wenderflonia Studios is on the right track, but is in need of more structure.
  • Organize stu-stu-studio!  I was gone for two weeks and have hardly worked in my little corner of the house since …how did I get it so….exploded.
  • Line them up and crank ’em out.  I have about 10 pieces that are in various stages of completion.  I need to evaluate where I stand on each one and keep a tally on who is winning.  So far it is Paintings:7/Wenderz:3.
  • Organize photos and work on gallery.  I have about a billionty photos that need to be erased (cuz I realllly need to keep 5 blurry pics of Baby J’s ear!) or put in a proper, easy-to-find-folder…..in a logical spot….with back up…oh gosh I’m tired.  I’m not sure what’s going on with the gallery on this site but some pics are not showing and quite honestly it is looking sparse and sad.

OK stopping here; although I can think of MANY other things that need to be list-ized.  This will be enough to stress me out this weekend THANK-YOU!  I’ll let ya know Monday how this all works out.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Today is a day for rest and reflection. We will regroup and remember what is important to us and our family.

We will refrain from making judgments and snap decisions and replace the bad thoughts with the good.

Today is a good day to realize our blessings and make everything we can out of what has been gifted to us.

We will relax and not stress about the things that are unchangable or unbending.

Today we rewind and reorganize. Remove the unnecessary. Rationalize the necessary…. And probably redo something!

Remaining who we are the entire time!


Bread on the Table

Rusty's Birds - 36"x48"  Mixed Media on Canvas

Many artists I know shy away from commission work unless they must strive to be less starving and more artist.  Personally, I find that doing a commission piece is challenging, yet nerve wracking.  There is always the fear that your best isn’t good enough for the client.  However, there is also a sense of satisfaction when you can provide someone with a custom piece of your soul that they had a hand in helping build.  This is especially true when you can (hopefully) create inspiring pieces for someone who is already inspiring and creative themselves.  I recently had the pleasure to do so for a good friend and musician extraordinaire.   This was to be a gift from his wonderful wife Sarah to be hung in their Piano Room.   I’ve known Rusty for many years and hope that I captured something that is special to him and his awesome family.  I don’t usually post pics of all my commission works because I believe they are special to the client and their privilege to promote if they choose to do so, but this painting was special and I almost didn’t want to hand it over.

The Daily White Board

So Bfs does this great thing every morning at work while having his coffee. He does a progressional comic on the whiteboard behind his desk. Usually, it’s to commemorate or count down an event happening in the office. In the latest one, I was really invested in seeing if the giraffe escaped the clutches of the alligator in the countdown to a coworker’s African vacation. This is great stuff folks! He is now making it available to all at http://thedailywhiteboard.com. Check it out and add it to your RSS feeds because you will want to see what happens every day.

Self Portrait of Hope

Hope is some extraordinary spiritual grace that God gives us to control our fears, not to oust them. ~Vincent McNabb

I love these words! Mainly because I am a big ol’ human vessel of fears. Although, I’m getting better every day. I still feel afraid of leaping into the unknown. Will I even like being a super famous artist!? Haha are you kidding!? It’s my biggest dream!

Feel free to check out my paintings over at my etsy shop at Http://www.etsy.com/shop/wenderflonia